A Shift Is Happening – Protect Your Energy, Goddess
There’s a shift happening on so many levels. The spirit world is moving, and it’s only right to give you a warning. I know what it’s like to lack real context—to have no one giving you the truth. So, keep that in mind as you read this.
Women, some of us are truly goddesses reincarnated. No, not every woman is. Not every woman carries that divine feminine essence. And the ones who do? Most aren’t even aware of it. Ever wonder why certain women despise other women despite their beauty? Their vibes are off—and energy doesn’t lie.
Feminine energy is the most loving, nurturing, protective, creative, and expansive force there is. But if we aren’t careful, we can also be receptive to everything—and not everything is for us to consume.
The War On Feminine Energy
There is a war happening. Some spiritual men & women are collecting feminine energy without giving anything in return. They study your chart, your history, your aura. They mirror your language and pretend to align, all to gain access.
Stop venting to men and women about your traumas. Stop opening up about your dreams. Don’t fall for the “divine feminine” buzzwords without discernment.
Most men are not deprogramming from the entitlement mindset. And what does that mean for an unwitting goddess?
It means if you aren’t aware of how they gain access to you, you will be used to do their work for them.
The Spiritual Energy Vampires
Spirituality isn’t a contest. It’s not about who can decode the most symbols, rant about chakras, or “act” the most enlightened. But many men & women are using spiritual language to manipulate and drain feminine energy.
Here’s how they do it:
- They overshare their “spiritual journey” online to disarm women.
- They pretend to be vulnerable to make you pay attention (attention = energy).
- They use conversations as energy exchanges—once you trust them, they latch on like leeches.
Before you know it, you’re carrying their emotions. Feeling heavy. Mood swings, aggression, sadness—energy that isn’t even yours.
Meanwhile, he’s suddenly lighter. Happier. Free.
That’s because he’s been feeding off you.
Beware Of “Love & Light” Men
Most of these "love & light" men are masters of spiritual manipulation. They talk about auras, clean eating, and meditation, but they don’t talk about deprogramming toxic masculinity or truly healing.
If he’s selling herbs, crystals, and candles but hasn’t done the work on himself—RUN.
It’s just like the popular guy who gets all the girls but tells you up front what he’s about. These “spiritual nice guys” pretend to be different, but deep down, they’re just as lost, bitter, and insecure.
They envy those who have done the work. They resent goddesses because they haven’t tapped into their own divine energy. So, they take from you instead.
They haven’t healed. They still carry mother wounds. They still feel entitled to feminine energy.
Stay Woke, Goddess. Protect Your Power.
Do not chase a “woke” man. More than half of them are still sleeping where it matters most. If he hasn’t done the deep, internal work, he’s still operating from the same toxic programming.
Trust your intuition. Protect your energy. Stay aware.
Hi! Thank you so much for using my art piece for your blog post. I love it!
I’m commenting to ask if I can please get an artist credit/my name in the image caption?
I’d really appreciate it.
With love,
Morgan Cerese Art
“The reality is, most men are NOT deprogramming from christianity, which means they still feel entitled to feminine energy. What does it mean for the unwitting goddess sleeping?
…It means, if not aware of how they’re gaining access, you will be used to do their work for them.“
This is SO TRUE! My ex was 100% an energy vampire. I was totally naive prior to that relationship. Lesson learned 🫶🏽💕
This is so true, when you truly do the work on yourself it becomes easier to discern and see the intentions of others. Thank you as always for your gems of knowledge 💎
Thank you beautiful Sheneka for everything you do for us Women <3 I’ve learned a lot from you and I’m so grateful for You!
This is pure gold. You are speaking on a whole other level. God bless you for this blog! I plan to read it at least 5 more x’s!