Unmasking Struggle Love: The Origins Of Struggle Love

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Are you fed up with failing relationships with men you thought were "good men"? Have you been taught that you can "keep a man" by being feminine, lovely, and godly and providing him with food, sex, and submission...but it didn't work?

Do you have a lousy marriage yet feel obligated to stay because "God hates divorce"?

Is it your experience that most Black women you know are in toxic romantic relationships with unsuitable men? Why are there so many "Black love" relationships that are problematic? And why are these partnerships elevated to "relationship goals"?

Why should Black women be "wife material" to men who aren't their husbands and to "build up their man?" Where does struggle love originate? And why is it pushed so firmly on Black women since childhood?

Suppose you're seeking answers to these questions and more. In that case, I invite you to check out my new book, Unmasking Struggle Love: The Beginner's Guide to putting yourself first, raising your standards, and refusing to sacrifice yourself for romantic relationships. Over 150 pages, I delve into the romantic belief system that traps many women in dysfunctional relationships.

To make the book more accessible, it will be released in installments, so you can choose which chapters interest you most. And for those who prefer a physical copy, the print edition will be available soon!

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