You've heard the advice over and over again, but it's never been more important than now. You need a comprehensive financial plan. The problem is that many people don't have one and are ill-prepared for the future.
Life insurance became an essential matter in my life after a health scare in the family. In those moments, I realized if something were to happen to me, how could I ensure my family isn't left in a financial bind? Listen, I get it, no one likes to think about their death; however, not thinking about it can have serious consequences. It's essential to have a life insurance policy in place in case something happens to you.
"No one is promised tomorrow, which is why we must always plan for the worst and hope for the best."
Honestly, these types of conversations never happened in my household growing up. I was always under the impression that life insurance and retirement planning are something you do when you eventually have kids or when you're unhealthy, but that is not the case. Now God forbid anything happens to me, my loved ones will be taken care of, but as a young woman, statistically, the chances are that I'm more than likely to be disabled than dying, which is why life insurance is vital to use when you're alive as well.
Far too many people start thinking about life insurance and retirement way too late, and as a result, they end up unable to retire when they want, or they have to make drastic changes to their lifestyle. When I started my first business S.Adams Collection, I thought it would be my retirement plan, but that's not guaranteed. You never know when and if something could happen that could prevent you from being able to work.
Planning for my future has given me peace of mind in knowing that I can take care of myself financially if something happens to me. Not only that, I've worked hard to acquire assets, and life insurance is a way to protect these things. I love my family, and I want them to be okay in the end.
There are many different plans to consider when looking into life insurance and retirement planning. The financial service industry is forever changing, and it can be challenging to keep up with. This is why I am so thankful for the help and expertise of, for guiding me in the right direction and putting my mind at ease. No matter what stage of life you're in, it's better to start now rather than later.
The conversation around the topic has to change. It doesn't have to be a scary process, which is why I am on a mission to help women business owners understand the importance of financial planning.
No matter what stage of life you're in, I recommend you start planning your retirement as soon as possible. By using life insurance, you can ensure that you have a nest egg to help you live comfortably in retirement.
If you're not sure where to start, head over to to get started on creating a plan that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. You deserve the ultimate peace of mind. Get involved with your FUTURE!
Thank you for sharing this information. I got into a bad policy and didn’t know where to turn. I am definitely going to look into this. Thank you for always sharing such helpful information with us ladies!
I was on your live yesterday when you said you had something special for us, didn’t know it was going to be this. These kinds of conversations are so important and much needed! Definitely going to look into this. thank you sheneka!
Just what I needed for myself. You’re one of the only level up influencers that has shared this kind of information. This was very informative and well put together! Love the video content, can’t wait to see more!
Thank you so much for this Sheneka! You’re a real gem!