I’m here to help you transform your personal life, dating experiences, and self-confidence. Whether you're seeking to elevate your relationships or empower yourself with newfound confidence, I’m dedicated to guiding you every step of the way to achieve the results you desire. It’s time to stop holding back and step into the woman you’re meant to be.

Join me for a personalized 1:1 Girl Chat Call, where we’ll focus on your unique journey with compassion, confidentiality, and a commitment to your growth. Let’s work together to inspire, support, and hold you accountable as you make the changes you’ve been dreaming about.

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I’ve experienced many transitions (good and bad) in my life, and I’m positive, there are many amazing transitions to come. I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to redesign my life with a passion to express, create, heal and love.

My goal is to help as many women as I can to become the woman they want to be. I think it's essential for us women to help each other along the way. Women's aspirations are universal. I strongly believe that when women are empowered, we come alive.

When women talk to me, they become empowered to tap into their strengths. Simple self love strategies provided with a positive attitude can remind someone that they deserve better.



I had no intention of becoming a mentor. While focusing on the growth of my hair company, I have been active in the entertainment business. There were many aspects of my life that didn't feel quite right, even though I felt happy and "put together." I started my journey of personal improvement. I wanted to communicate better. I wanted to be more productive, confident, and healthier, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

I couldn't give being a mentoring my all without doing research and understanding how to be a better person to overall. I needed to dig deep inside to discover my actual calling in order to generously offer guidance to others. People began to compliment my behavior more often as time progressed. They were curious about what I was doing and how I was doing it. They could see I transformed as a result. I then made the decision to pursue a career as a coach and inspiration to women. Since I made that decision, I've conducted a substantial chunk of mentoring. I'm constantly amazed by the power, effectiveness, and value of helping others.

Sheneka is available for print, television, radio, and news media interviews. To book Sheneka, email:

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I believe that Sheneka is someone I can relate to and whose beliefs and interests align with mine, which is what I believe has enabled so much of this amazing growth possible for me. Because, well, she's a cool lady, to put it simply and for want of a better expression, she is someone I listen to and whose voice and direction I hold in high esteem as a millennial and a peer. 

Kelly K.

I love and appreciate you! While other people's content revolves around men and women yours teaches the WOMAN to focus on WHATS BEST FOR HER & you allow us to decide which area that is, usually it's within most areas, you help women elevate all areas of their lives instead of just one, which is something not everyone is doing. When you focus on one area and neglect the other areas, you'll never succeed and that's something I've learnt from you! Thank you! 

Sophia T.

Sheneka, I am so incredibly blessed to have found you and followed you years ago. The information that you've shared with me has truly changed (and saved) my life. I never had positive women role models or women that I truly could learn and grow from in my teens and twenties but I am so glad that I found you now at 32. You have truly been such a blessing to my life and I am so incredibly grateful for you. Thank you so much from my entire heart. I pray that my Heavenly Father continues to pour out HIS blessings on your life and pour back into you 100 fold for all of the wisdom you've poured into my life.

Dannie M.

This call was so amazing. I love how Sheneka makes you feel comfortable like you’re talking to a big sister or that ain’t you never had. She keeps it real and I love that, thank you!

Janisia S.

Sheneka is such a gem and so knowledgeable. I appreciate you for helping me sort through my emotions and finding a clear head about my situation. You have inspired me to become a better woman for myself. Please don't stop being an inspiration to us women, we really need you!

Kristenn S.

I just want to say thank you for your platform Sheneka. I’m going through a divorce from a narcissist and you helped me push the button. You’re helping so many women realize their worth.

Patricia L.

I had a call with Sheneka yesterday and it was everything I needed. I love the fact that she’s keeps it real and has a very warm and inviting spirit and personality. I appreciate what she does for us women, we need more women like her that will be honest and offer up help. Thank you so much.

Ashleigh W.

I was disheartened about dating in my forties when I started working with Sheneka. She pushed me to be honest about my dating history and provided me advice to attract the right men. With her help, I realized I couldn't wait for someone to find me. If finding a mate was a priority, I needed to prioritize dating.

Megan C.

SHENEKA is so easy to talk to! I was scared to book at first but I’m glad I did. She gave me the tough love and advice that I needed. Not only that, she gave me some great book recommendations! I can’t wait to chat again, thank you for offering this for us ladies who just need someone to talk to!

Nakia M.

The call that I had with sheneka was so amazing! She is so knowledgeable and down to earth. She’s straightforward and will get you together lol. But at the same time, she’s very passionate and truly loves to help us women. This call was exactly what I needed this morning, I will book longer next time because 30 min wasn’t enough! Thank you for offering a safe place for women like me to talk about things without judgment. You’re definitely an angel.

Karla T.

I’m 25 and I love you and I love what you’ve done for us women. You were instrumental in me leaving my relationship that started at 17 with a man who was 27 and groomed me to be accepting of his low standards. Was with him for 7 years, was called gold digger, mean, etc be I ran down on him about paying for everything because I realized most of the things you said on your page applied to me.... at already 22, and then 23, and then 24, and then just had severe spiritual unrest. Thank you sheneka!



Establish a mutual connection: By the third date, you should be sure that you and your match are on the same wavelength. There must be a spiritual, physical, intellectual, or emotional connection.

Make sure your fundamental beliefs are aligned: You’ll want to know that you and your match have similar attitudes on family, lifestyle, religion, and job objectives. Insights like these will tell you whether the two of you have a future together.

Determine how emotionally mature your match is by seeing how they act in various situations: If a person expresses their emotions with clarity as opposed to screaming at others or "ghosting" — abruptly leaving a relationship without warning or explanation — it is a good sign that they are emotionally open for a connection.

Ask yourself, "Is he prepared?": It's critical to understand whether your match is prepared for the relationship you desire. Be specific about the kind of love you want and what that means to you. Always date with intention and never settle for less.


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